Spring Aeration Strategy - 2017

This past fall/winter/spring has seen the most snow and rain on our property in awhile.

As we watched this, we didn’t see issues arise with puddling on the greens surfaces. We went over our last physical properties tests and sure enough, what we were seeing was backed up by science. This means by doing our aggressive cultural practices these past three seasons - aeration with a half-inch tine at 1.25” spacings - our tri-weekly top dressings and venting programs have established a healthy root zone. Our air porosity and water holding capabilities are in the optimum ranges.

Moving forward this year, we have chosen to use a bayonet tine, with medium topdressing, to maintain our root zone in the optimum range.

The picture below is of what traditional aeration has looked like.

Moving forward this year, we have chosen to use a bayonet tine, with medium topdressing, to maintain our root zone in the optimum range.

What this means to the golfer is that the procedure will take a little less time and the recovery time will be drastically reduced. This being said, we will continue to monitor our physical properties to ensure the best playing conditions possible for our Members and guests at Kelowna Springs.

This process, combined with our sound agronomic practices, should set us up for a great 2017. Thank you for your patience and understanding on such a difficult fall/spring and on these important decisions.

The picture below is of what our recent 2017 aeration looks like

Gilbert LeBlanc, Course Superintendent